Strengthen your arms, legs and core with this 30-minute Yoga Pilates Fusion Workout! Find the class outline below. If you have some light weights or wrist weights/bala bangles (0,5 kg) you can use them, but they are completely optional - you'll still get a good workout in without weights! You could also use 2 cans of beans/shampoo etc. for a little bit of resistance.

We begin seated to warm up before moving into table top and gate pose variations for core work. After a quick stretch in downward dog we'll come to mountain pose to begin the standing part: one-legged balance, high lunge, warrior 2, reverse triangle, warrior 3 and forward fold. We finish the workout on our back with a little bit more core work and a fun bridge series to fire up the glutes and arms and take a moment to stretch and release with a spinal twist and savasana.